If you’re interested in becoming an Anchor Partner or a Sponsor, please click on the button below to send us an email and we will get back to you.

Black Infant Health Program
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Contact Info
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Social Media

Date Year
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Contact Info
Contact Info
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Contact Info

Date Year
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Contact Info
Contact Info
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Contact Info

Date Year
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Contact Info
Contact Info
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Phone: (628) 217-5399
Contact Info

Our Partners
Anchor Partners are vendors or service providers who are responsible for outreach, recruitment and coordination of vendors or service providers in the Village neighborhoods: Health & Wellness, Food & Agriculture, Arts & Culture, Youth/Future Zone, and Local Shops. They participate in program design and vendor curation, marketing and promotion, and operations on the day of the event, and are committed to the mission and intention of the Village.
Sponsors/Funders are public or private organizations that are looking to expand their impact in low-income communities of color through the fiscal sponsorship of a neighborhood in the Village or the entire Pop-Up Village.